Terrarium Workshop Singapore Blog

Guide to Fittonia Care in Singapore [2024]

Fittonia Care Singapore

Fittonia Care Singapore
Fittonia Care Singapore

Fittonia is a widely known and popular houseplant among garden enthusiasts and popular in South America. Commonly referred to as Nerve Plant, the leaf vein pattern resembles a meshwork with thick white and red veins of nerves, giving that ‘nerve plants’ look.

In tropical climates like Singapore, Fittonia does well and is an excellent plant choice for indoor spaces. This tutorial gives you a comprehensive guide to nurturing this plant successfully in Singapore’s conditions.

Understanding Fittonia

Fittonia is small, colourful plants with decorative foliage in a mosaic pattern, with the veins taking on contrasting hues in white, pink, green, or red.

In coin slang, someone who cheats ends up with the looks of a mosaic plant, Fittonia albivenis (the Mondial) or Fittonia verschaffeltii (the Nellie-Pink).

Both varietals are very ornamental and easy to look after. Their plants grow to 10-15 cm in height and so are ideal for terrariums or as part of a collection of indoor plant.

Ideal Growing Conditions

Light Requirements

Fittonia prefers bright but it’s not compliant when it comes to direct sun. Stay well away from windows on sunny days – the hot rays of direct sunlight will burn and cause the edges of the leaves to turn almost totally white.

Instead, place them in a spot with some light filtering through – or lay some lace curtains over your plants to diffuse the rays of sunlight. Artificial grow lights will work well too, especially in very low light conditions.

Temperature and Humidity

Originally from the tropics, they appreciate 18°C to 24°C, which is usually what your indoor air would be in Singapore. Humidity for indoor plants is also of great importance.

To keep the leaves well hydrated, your humidity should be above 50 percent, ideally 70-90 percent, through a humidifier, hand-misting your plant, or using a pebble tray filled with water.

Soil and Potting

Fittonia prefers a potting soil mix, that drains quickly to avoid root rot, so two parts peat moss to one part perlite and potting soil mix is great.

Your pot needs drainage holes so that water can leave, and a terracotta pot is great because it is so porous that it also helps to regulate the already well draining soil mix.

Watering Guidelines

Water your fittonia plants only when the top inch of the potting mix is dry. Fittonia likes its media like it likes its humans, consistently watered when the soil is moist but not at the point of soggy soil.

Never water during winter or when your fittonia plant is asleep, but do not allow the plant to dry its roots completely. Regularly mist your Fittonia’s leaves, especially if the air is dry, to enhance humidity.


Feed a well-balanced liquid fertilizer to tropical plants in your Fittonia every four to six weeks in spring and summer (the growing season also) and less frequently into fall and winter – once every eight to 10 weeks.

When making up a fertilizer solution of dry powder or granules, half-strength is adequate (in other words, mix the fertilizer in half the amount of water recommended). This goes against the recommendations on the bottle but will help prevent scorching of leaves.

Common Problems and Solutions

Pests and Diseases

As with most houseplants, fittonia can be attacked by spider mites and aphids, and pests should therefore be looked for and treated with insecticidal soap or neem oil from time to time. Adequate air circulation will help prevent fungal problems such as powdery mildew.

Leaf Issues

Yellowing might be due to overwatering or medium, while brown edges point to low humidity. The solution is just to change your watering schedule, or increase humidity respectively. If the leaves start to curl, this could be a symptom of underwatering, or if it’s a window, just because the plant doesn’t enjoy the direct sunlight or indirect sunlight enough.

Pruning and Maintenance

You can prune it to keep it densely bushy, and snip stringy stems. If you get roots sprouting anywhere along the vines, go ahead and plant them, and watch your plants multiply.

Trim off dead or damaged leaves, and sweep the leaves with a damp cloth every now and then to rid them of dust.

Propagation Methods

Fittonia also is easy to propagate from stem cuttings. Simply place some soil and a little cutting in water, or a glass or jar in a warm, humid environment, and new roots will form over a couple of months or so at the base of the plant at each node.

As soon the cutting is rooted, soak the dirt with water and insert the cutting into a pot of well-drained potting mix. Propagate the plant in the growing season.

Benefits of Growing Fittonia

Fittonia adds beauty to every indoor spot with its colorful foliage while improving air quality by taking pollutants and giving back oxygen but most important of all it makes a perfect detailed green and petite addition to a terrarium to create an ecosystem.

Fittonia Care Singapore

Like many houseplants nursed in Singapore, Fittonia is fairly simple to care for if you can get these things in order. Keep yours in medium to bright but indirect light, and maintain high humidity.

Water it every week or so. You can stick to this regimen and watch your Fittonia add its warm tropical beauty to your indoor garden.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you have any questions about Fittonia Care Singapore, you can refer to the frequently asked questions (FAQ) below:

How often should I water my Fittonia?

Water when the top inch of soil feels dry, maintaining consistent moisture without waterlogging.

What should I do if my Fittonia leaves are turning yellow?

Yellow leaves usually indicate overwatering. Allow the soil to dry out slightly and adjust your watering schedule.

Can Fittonia be grown outdoors in Singapore?

Fittonia can be grown outdoors in a shaded, moist, humid environment but is generally better suited for indoor conditions to protect it from harsh weather.

How can I increase the humidity for my Fittonia?

Use a humidifier, place the plant on a pebble tray with water, or regularly mist the leaves to keep plants maintain high humidity levels.